Secure Docking and Safe Loading
Trailer restraints (also referred to as a dock lock) are designed as a safety measure for dock workers to prevent accidents. This includes premature trailer departure and trailer creep away from the wall. They are available in many styles and configurations. Advanced restrains include signal lights to communicate to the drive and dock worker of the status of the restraint.
Impact and Non-Impact
The two main styles of vehicle restraints are impact and non-impact. Impact restraints are positioned via the truck reversing and pushing the restraint into position. On activation, a hook or lock comes out of its’ stored position. Non-impact do not contact a truck or trailer, aside from the hook or lock at the ICC bumper.
Ground, Wall and Recessed Installation
As the names suggest, ground mounted restraint install on the driveway, wall mounted on the dock wall, and recessed inside of the dock wall. Each have their benefits, with ground mounted being attached to the drive in instances of driveway settling up or down (they do!). Something to watch for are driveway drains which can impact the mounting location. For wall mounted restraint, they are easy to place as with ground mount, and offer similar design. Recessed is ideal for snowy climates, and often require less maintenance than others.
Powered and Non-powered
Powered restraints are advanced in design and offer the most ease of use for dock workers. Because they're powered, they can be interlocked with other equipment (leveler, door, etc). Non-powered restraints are the most cost effective, and require the dock worker to activate it. Either style do not necessarily require more or less maintenance. It depends on the design.
See also
Also considered trailer restraints are wheel chocks. These are manually placed, and usually require the driver to place them at their wheel(s). The UniChock is an advanced wheel chock allowing to automatic light sequencing and interlocking of other equipment (leveler, door, etc).